Friday, January 1, 2016

The truth is like poetry, and most people fucking hate poetry

- The Big Short

   So I ended 2015 seeing some old friends and enjoying my best friends daughter vocalize some great 90's hits on the Island of Staten. Good-times, with me arriving home in 2016 wondering what insanity would befall us this coming year. Trump Wins, yeah that is the easy, scary one. I used to be fairly optimistic, a glass half full guy, faith in humanity. Then I remembered, I saw The Big Short.
   The movie with a star laden cast retelling the 2008 crisis with Hollywood flare. It was unique in the focus on the chicken little's of the story in 05-07 that warned us the sky is falling while cashing in on the stupidity, Unfortunately it was already to late and no one was listening.
   I have been told insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over expecting different results. At the very end of the movie, one of many I have watched about the crash of '08, a new term popped up, Bespoke Tranche Opportunity (BTO). Apparently 2015 saw the rise of this new and confusing term to blow our minds later in a Dodd-Frank dog and pony show. Just like the mortgage-backed securities (MBS), collateralized debt obligation (CDO), and credit default swaps (CDS) of years past, your eyes glaze over. WTF is BTO?
   Honestly, who cares, you do not need know unless you want to wonk out on financial mumbo jumbo. I still need to read more to get a real handle on it. What you need to know is it appears to be the same emperor with no clothes.
   Most people paid little attention to the fact that massive fraud the greatest in financial history occurred, result, the crisis of 2008. Little to no real reform occurred, fraud used to be against the law, one guy went to jail related to the crisis, and people got upset because they could not get to their Starbucks around Zuccotti Park. This Epic level apathy leading to rise now of more fear based topics to focus on will be our undoing.
   A Priest, an ISIS terrorist, and a Banker go into a bar. The Priest orders a red wine, smiling. Bartender asks "Why you smiling? Because "people are starting to believe evil is alive again and the end is near". The ISIS terrorist orders a water smiling, why? Because "the great Satan is about to declare war on the faith and bring about the end-times" And the Banker orders a brandy with a huge grin. Why? "The worlds focused on evil and terrorists again, we can get back to stealing money and  ending the world as they know it".
   Yeah it's not really funny nor is it meant to be. Insane Americans who become terrorist, or mass shooters at a Planned Parenthood can not end our way of life as we know it. More people die from drunk drivers then the later, wake up! The one thing more then anything else that can end life as we know it is a real collapse of the financial and monetary systems. In 08 we came close, but the next one could wreak the financial house of card completely.
   When the ATM has no money to give and food shelves run bare, I will not say I told you so. I'll learn how to farm and defend it.
  I suggest you watch this movie, watch HBO or read To Big to Fail, and try to take in the documentary Inside Job narrated by Matt Damon. Feel free to dig deeper after those 6 or so hours and see if you still believe the talking heads on TV and in the Governments. They have been lying to you and this time it's not about getting a BJ.

Blogs... piff!

   I got tierd of talking to the wall when I have something to say. Here, maybe all the insights (craziness) in my head caused by the insanity of the world can find nirvana. Don't expect well written Op-ed pieces or anything, I failed English in school and I tend to hate structure. I'll overuse commas and Capitals. Spellcheck should save my butt from a complete failure to communicate intelligently. ;)
   Subjects will include but are not limited to Politics, Life, World Events and thing that might be important, in my opinion. If you see a word past this post about Kardashian, a Real Housewife or anything as vapid, shoot me.

PS Exceptions to every rule: Big Brother and Star Wars do not count, so says I.